now we all know how big the internet is, and how easy it is for things to go unnoticed in its vast sea of smut and banner ads. i thought certainly it would at least take a hell of a long time (maybe even thinking it would never hapen) for someone to catch up to my shenanigans doing this thing, but oooohhh no dear readers, we've been spotted. by way of a friend who's a "serious blogger", one of the esteemed members of our beloved goth hot tub pic found her way to my inbox, and left me a wonderfully surprising message about how much she's actually enjoying the blog! you can bet that was a relief, i thought for sure i was going to have to pull it when i first started reading. but rather, we may even be getting MORE from the same night...details forthcoming, but for now keep your fingers crossed and your garlic necklaces and wooden stakes in the garage...KIDDING!!!

HO - LY - SHIT! DJ Rick strikes back with another priceless gem!!! we don't need to discuss how ultra-lame and low-rent-office-party-gag the "cheese hat" is...this is a given. but past that, seriously, just what the fuck is going on in this image?! whatever it is, it's definitely pretty fuckin' casual. maybe the brewsky chillin' out in a coozie (cheesehead must have lost his, or could be on his way for another?) is an indicator as to why these dingdongs think its a good idea to hang out inside the hot tub with a bunch of probably powered electrical equipment. i don't have to get all MADD guest speaker here and tell you about how alcohol impairs your sense of judgement, but shit, really? microphones in the hot tub? i suppose we can't all be as smart as most children ages 5 and older. i want to also bring to light how AMAZING the structure of this hot tub is...i can't be certain, but i think what we're seeing here is some kind of hot tub hut island in the middle of a pool or something? totally bananas! for its originality, quality layout, and sheer random stupidity, this one's bringing home a trophy.

another hot tub party blog first: BACK TO BACK IMAGES! both found their way to me through mr. bryan riggs, who has been doing much to spread hype about this nonsense, even taking it far enough to host his own hot tub parties! now this is what i'm talkin' about, just straight up big chillin' the way that only people like this know how...with a huge cooler full of cheap hooch and a hot tub to drink it in! no ladies here, man, this is dudes night out for real. i like how the duder in the middle of the top one is posed, like he's one of the hunky male models in the "naked photo hunt" touch screen game they have at like every dive bar. so tough, so cut, so...EROTIC! i'm also digging the symmetry of these poses, like how the big dudes are totally holdin' down the base while the skinny dudes are throwin' it up like it ain't nothin' at the top; total bro-dawg pyramid! another fine example of the super chilled-out bro lifestyle we all know and love...thanks bryan!
well thats it for now, but i'm going to leave y'all with one last one that you're just going to have to process on your own; thanks be to dave for THIS
wow.. looks like you guys are having a blast. I have never seen so many people in a hot tub though. Keep up the good work.
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