this is amazing! i'm not sure what exactly has gone down in the water our homegirl here is loungin' in, but it definitely doesn't look pleasant. i'm happy it hasn't caused her to lose her appetite though, because if you know me, you know theres two things here that i find extreme amounts of hilarity in: HOT TUBS and BURGERS!!! such a trooper this girl is, to not let someone else's nasty business get in the way of a good time! if only we could see more of whats going on at this ultra-casual affair...sigh, one can dream, though.

guuuhh, this one is soo gross! certainly one soup i would not like a taste of. this is why your parents told you to never go exploring at the junk yard, and boy were they ever right! i don't think theres a single thing in this picture that isn't covered in some kind of filth, and certainly our dirty cowboy on the right is no exception. maybe its a good thing he forgot his swim trunks? that water might turn from a cool, pleasing grey to god-knows-what. the dude's face next to the giant rubber ducky is straight up nasty; maybe theres more unknown pleasures going on underwater that are best kept a secret. the only props i'm going to give to the parties responsible for this image is that their hot tub appears to be made out of an old boat, which wins for some mild creativity. still, would a little housekeeping hurt? i guess grimey is as grimey does.

of course this isn't gay. how could it be? i mean, whats homoerotic about wrastlin' and monkeyin' around with your best dude pals with minimal amounts of clothing in a hot tub? i thought the noogie as an art form died out with sega genesis, snap bracelets and cut-off flannel shirts, but i'm happy its being kept alive here, because there really isn't anything more archetypically dude than giving someone a noogie. style points are awarded to our man in the foreground...i can't tell if they're sweat pants or biker pants (or wrestling pants?!), but one thing is certain, and that is that they're tucked into a pair of socks! and that, my friends, is stylin'! also, big up to the guy in the background for being just sooo fucking stoked to see his friends acting dumb. a real barrel of laughs, this guy!
thats it for now, but like genital herpes, no matter what you do to try to suppress it, i'll be back with more! 'till next time, readers!!!
My guess is that our noogie-administrator is wearing a shear Gore-Tex layer or some other moisture-wicking polar underpant preferred by alpine endurance sportsmen. That hunch is mainly based on the socks. I bet this is at a ski lodge somewhere. As for the top photo...What is that black and gray thing behind this scene with the "gigger" graffiti?
Best Blog i have ever seen. Yeesss.
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