this image comes by way of DJ Rick, who has been kind enough to leave some amazing cross-comentary on the previous posts. wow...umm. there really isn't anything going on in this image that isn't gross. either this is one hell of a fancy bathroom, or someone is so dedicated to the art of hot-tubbing that they had this thing installed in their living room. hey, it could happen! modest molly in the white tee doesn't wanna show the goods, and really, its fine by me. in fact, i wish everyone in this image could be wearing similar garments. these ladies must be holding up the one finger to request another drink from their suburban cabana boy. either that, or they're making a funny by suggesting theres room for "one more". not!!! i'm getting into the habit of checking out the sites where these masterpieces come from now, and this one is all too fitting: "american thunder", a harley-ridin' group from orange county.

oh. my. god. words can't even describe how much bizarre shit is going on in this picture, but damn, i'll give it my best. my homegirl alana, who can boast that her dad was actually MARRIED in a hot tub (coolness factor upp'd more that just a few notches!) found this one, and its a keeper. we all know how bros n' bro-hoes party down, but when it comes to the secret lives of the creatures of the night (and mall food courts), theres still quite a bit o' mystery left unsolved. here we see what appears to be some kind of goth ritual, in which they descend like locusts upon unsuspecting "normal" people having a good time and severely bum them out. maybe this brood of witches got the hot tub confused with a couldron, and thought someone was boiling these innocent fun-timers alive as an offering to the dark prince or trent reznor. those arent screams of pain, my dears, they're screams of PARTY!
in all honesty though, i like seeing pictures of goths out on the town having a good time, as opposed to all the stock photos of them just hanging out in their wood-panelled bedrooms looking forlorn. oooh goths, they wanna have fu-un! and nothing is more fun than standing on the rim of the hot tub dressed like a doofus with a 20 oz'er of pepsi. BING BONG!
other things that are amazing in this image:
- left center: fall's hottest hairstyle, make a note of it.
- far right: unleash the one-zie!
- center: there simply has to be something naughty going on underwater between erotic-faced asian male and his buddy pointing behind him!
good work, alana, ace material indeed!

wow! the webpage is titled "big as texas", and they ain't kiddin'!!! only two of the people that i can see in this photo have necks. i can't tell if the guy in the bottom left has a look of pure joy or pure terror, but one thing is clear: he's in for the ride of a lifetime regardless! i can speak more comfortably on behalf of our other more meek gentleman in the back, who is clearly not getting what he bargained for, and is probably plotting his escape route. run free, little guy!
hats off to wilson for finding this one. good work, soldier!

fil found this one aaaages ago, probably back when i first started getting into google image searching this business. and what a truly fucked up weird image this is, too! "our friend is so wacky! look at his/her wacky mask!" is basically whats going on here. not so much hilarity to report on this one, but a fine example of a milestone in my early quests for only the finest.
thanks again for reading, and keep the submissions coming! this is sooo much better than a diary...
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