shit, now this is what i'm talkin' about! can you even believe how stoked the dude in the bottom right is to be mad-laxin' in the hot tub?! that face is all the sincerety we need to know that this guy knows a good time when he sees it. the age-old equation is proven here once again: bros + chicks + beer = F-U-N!!! i would also like to point out that seriously SO MANY of the things that come to mind when i think of the word "bro" are represented in this amazing image: ball-chain necklaces, floppy beach hats, forced-spiritual tribal tattoos...and lets not forget those truly sexy womb-broom goatees! ladykillers, the whole lot of 'em! my guess is at least one of the people in this picture owns a jeep.
i also love how the budweiser cups they're drinking out of are the size of the cups adjacent to the water cooler in your doctor's office. theres gonna be a lot of trips back to the keg for these guys tonight!
lastly: really more weird than anything, is that a tampon behind necklace-sportin' hunk's ear? weeeeeiiiiird.

it's like i died and went to hot tub heaven! if the last blog post was about the casual adult side of hot tub culture, then this one is no doubt all about being young, restless, and most certainly in college. i spy with my astonished eye: two pookah-shell necklaces (in my opinion, just a bit more dude than the ball chain), approximately 4 liters of sprite that almost certainly are mixed with budget vodka or rum, 3 pairs of hawaii-stylin' floral print boardshorts (essential), and not one facial expression that isn't priceless. oh gosh, if i had to pick a favorite though, i'd definitely go with my girl in the yellow number on the left. i can just hear her screaming "WOOOOAAA YEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!" through the computer screen, and i think i have the sound all the way down. really, this is the stuff dreams are made of.
thats it for now, but keep this shit bookmark'd, because until i have a shortage of free time, or until theres a shortage of choice hot tub party pics, this badboy is gonna be updated.
1 comment:
Quite a man to keep his lady's Kotex dry during the dip. His face is so smug, it's like, "See fellas, when it comes to hot-tubbin' with the fine females, act like you've been there and you're goin' back...ain't no thang!" You're right...Baby Huey is so stoked to be there, he can't control himself. Everyone probably sitting in his urine now.
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