if you didn't immediately hone in on the fact that the young lad in the black speedo (europe?) is rocking a super casual boner, dont worry, i'm not holding it against you. theres a lot to...oh who am i kidding, thats definitely the best thing going on in this one! this dude is just sooo stoked to be hanging out with these fine 16 year old honeyz in this raging tub of hormones, and it literally shows. thumbs up to you, buddy! also, i really like how awkward the guy just joining this boatload of fun on the far right looks. maybe he too has a teen boner, and is just a little more modest about it than his cool friend. folks, we simply will never know, will we? props to seth for finding this gem.

this falls into one of my favorite sub-catagories of the hot tub party pic: the super unnaturally-lit commercial photograph kind! do you really think these people are just hangin' out because they're super good friends? probably not. but thats what makes this kind so priceless. i feel by their expressions that this one is set up to make you feel like your sitting across from them at this super casual affair and you just said something really witty about your stocks. dave found this one, so i can't comment on the website it originally came from, but i can probably make an educated guess that theres a weekend spa package involved.

absolute perfection! i've been holding out on this one, waiting for the right moment to unleash its power, and today is the day! this is one of those pictures where there is just so much going on, and as always, i'll do my best to point out exactly what makes this one of the best. first off: suuuper awkward age differences going on here. really, just beautiful. there is a guy in the top right who not only gets points for looking kinda like Sinbad, but also for sporting the freshest hairstyle imagineable, the totally-bald-except-for-a-really-thin-ponytail look ala the cool singer from Live. bottom and center: best party face to grace this blog yet, and a nice womb-broom to boot. truly this gent is on top of his game, since he is chillin' with so many fine babes. and oh my god, the guy poundin' the long neck in the top left...just gorgeous! bonus points for the slick gold chain. loooots of tribal tats going on here too to solidify this image's quality. lastly, did you notice that the two girls in the middle are topless?!?! because i didnt the first 8239982 times i looked at this one. to blogspot: please dont shut me down for hosting an image with 1/3 of a boob!
thats it for now, but like i've said in previous posts, there is plenty more to come, so stay linked!