....and pretty drunk. yes, this should indeed be fun!

suffice to say there is nothing savory going on in this here photo, folks. let me spell out exactly what this shitbag is for you, in case you haven't figured out his scheming from that shitty dirtbag look on his face. three words: MO. LEST. ER. well, ok, lets be fair...maybe he's a dad. or worse, a creepy older brother. but every one of us has known someone who has a dad who's a TOTAL CREEP. y'know the kind, i need not go into details. at first glance, i thought i would love to know who the mystery foot in the foreground belonged to, but then i wisened up and though better of it. if this hot tub could talk, it'd surely have something to say...and by the looks of it, you probably would be better off covering your ears.

let the gross times roll! am i really priveliged enough to be witnessing a SMIRNOFF ICE and a KEYSTONE (ice?) IN THE SAME PHOTO?! man, these are the good times. this guy will be doing everything he can, including feeding said beverages in copious amounts to get these ladies to put out. and with that cool of facial hair...well buddy, lets just say i wish you the best of luck (or the best of your ability to acquire GHB). DING DONG, HELLO! but seriously people, all i really could hope for is that what i think is a CAL hat is really a VON DUTCH hat (y'know, circa 2003?). then everything would be just fine.

OHHHHHH YES! somebody (fil, actually) rounded up another bunch of cool dudes for me to pick apart! i hope homie in the black hat is bi, cuz he looks like he's got his hands full. BOOYA! i love it when theres a bunch of confident babes str8 loungin' in their bikinis, save for the one lass wearin' a ONE-ZIE! its cool, though, cuz pastie-white pachuco face in the foreground doesn't give a damn if she still shops for her bathing suits with her mom at mervyn's. in fact, i'm sure everyone in this photo got laid, and were dissatisfied. thats just how it rolls when you're in college and you hate yr parents. HEY-YO!
...ok. seriously, i need to post this before i sober up and regret it. if theres a typo, fuck off, spell-checking is for weenies.
you have been missed.
Yes, I'd almost given up. A month later, and I finally check back to find my reward. That little girl in the middle right on the molester photo is making quite the disgusted EWWW, GROSS face. It makes me a little nervous about the mysterious location of dad's foot. And who's foot is that in front. Does he "love children," too? The one-piece frumpqueen at the bottom is so bummed to be in that photo. I'm gonna try to hit you up with some choice pics I found, Andreas. Later!
this glorious blog needs more posts!
that little girl reminds me of the Oozinator super soaker commercial
Looks like Keystone Light to me. A fine choice when you're tweaking your nipple.
Well, I must admit that I really enjoyed all of the pict on your site... it's really large of pixels pict you have here. I enjoyed it, keep doing :)
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